Category: News


Today we have reached the climax!

January 24, 2020

If I look back 2 months ago, that was the beginning of the total rebranding of VitalAction Coaching, few thousands dollars and countless hours spent on initiatives from a new logo to a revamped website. We have made tremendous progress


Coach’s Corner # 2 -Everything DiSC

January 24, 2020

Coach’s Corner # 2 . This week on Coach’s Corner I am talking about the powerful yet simple Everything DiSC, a personality assessment tool. Feel free to share , like and comment.


2019 look back

January 21, 2020

When I look back at 2019, I can say it was a great year, it was a year of #growth. I remember how excited, nervous, curious, anxious, self-managing, anticipating I was on January 4, 2019, I was on a journey from Calgary to Nouakchott, Mauritania (Western Africa).

Be the change you wish to see in the world

January 21, 2020

The quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world” from Mahatma Gandhi resonate deeply with me.

The Comfort Zone

January 21, 2020

This is Coach’s Corner # 1 , the first of many Coach’s Corner 2 minutes capsules. Various topics related to leadership, learning and growth will be covered week after week here on LinkedIn . This week the topic is : The Comfort Zone .

George a real leader

April 4, 2019

This is George the family puppy, he is a real leader. Let me explain to you why: Before George was brought in to reorganize our family dynamic, the kids were zombies on video games, we were sleeping in on weekends, our shoes were left negligently on the floor by the front door.